Just wanted to quickly say that I recently finished reading Second Glance and The Pact by Jodi Picoult. :)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
another book!
Just wanted to leave a quick post saying that I finished yet another book! Keeping Faith, by Jodi Picoult, was a great book. The ending was kinda blah, but the book altogether was great.
Posted by Jess at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Plain Truth
Finished reading Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult (Still Haven't started Salem Falls...)
Also finished reading Along for The Ride by Sarah Dessen... This book was absolutely amazing... I could not put it down :) The ending seemed a little sudden though, but it was still good :)
Currently reading Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult
Posted by Jess at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
i know, i know...
Okay- so I didn't write yesterday... But I got a good excuse- got back at 11:00 last night and could have updated but figured I'd just update today... There's nothing really new to say... It's Sunday- Desperate Housewives is on tonight! Currently reading Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult... :)
Posted by Jess at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
I remembered to post today! Yay me!! btw- so glad its Friday! Finished reading Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult today... loved the book until the very end- the ending was way too sad :( But it was still an awesome book... she is definitely my favorite author :)
Lots of studying to do this weekend :( Have a lab test on Monday, a MVB test on Tuesday, a Science Article due Wednesday, and a quiz on Friday (ALL FOR A/P :( ). Also have a vocab test Friday and a test on the Crucible Act III sometime next week :( Ughh... even when its the weekend there's still tons of school stuff to do :(
Posted by Jess at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I know, I know... I haven't written in forever!! But that's okay, as I plan to write every day from now on (let's see if I can do it :) )... Monday was my brithday- got lots of awesome stuff :) Will post pics later... Today was just another school day- boring and a waste of time :) Had a physics test today (one of my favorite classes!) and was supposed to have an english test today on "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller, but it was postponed until Monday :) Yay!! Tomorrows Friday- I am so excited! love the weekends :)
Posted by Jess at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Went to the homecoming game last night- we won- YEAH!! Can't wait for the new season of degrassi to start- i love that show :) Ooh, and I've totally been listening to Rescue You from Degrassi Goes Hollywood nonstop for like the past two weeks..
Season premiere of Grey's Anatomy was on Thursday... It was awesome :)
Posted by Jess at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Vanishing Acts
Just wanted to quickly write that I finished reading vanishing acts by jodi picoult. Great book by a great author :) Kinda predictable at parts, and the end was kinda abrubt (and left you with a few unanswered questions), but i still loved it. Started reading picture perfect (by, you guessed it, jodi picoult :) )
Posted by Jess at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I'm Back!! (I'm getting sick of this...)
Wow!! I haven't updated in like, forever :) I'm really getting tired of forgetting about this blog- i'll have to write on my hand "UPDATE BLOG" from now on :)
First week of school went well- I love my classes (well most of them anyway :)...) Received the iPod shuffle I won from Mead Vocabularious- i love it (of course, it is an iPod Shuffle so I'll still use my video iPod more (but for free, i love it)).
Current obsession with He Could Be The One by Hannah Montana :) Played it nonstop for three hours today as I biked to/from my grandma's house. Got sunburn on my arms :(
Posted by Jess at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I'm Back!! (for the third time!)
Wow, I haven't updated for awhile! Friday I went to the zoo with my family- I'll upload pics soon. Watched the premiere of Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie on disney channel- it was pretty great :) Yesterday went shopping at Kohl's- bought a tank top on clearance (pic to come later)... School starts on Tuesday- not exactly thrilled for the end of summer vacation :(
Posted by Jess at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I'm Back!! (again)
Wow! I feel like I haven't updated in like forever!! First off, I have a pic of the "drunken Indian" from the Up North Library (sorry- it's kinda dark... Took it without the flash so the hillbilly librarian wouldn't notice)...
Finished reading Killer by Sara Shepard and The Invisibles (also by Sara Shepard)... Will try to post reviews ASAP.
Played badminton with my family today... Fun, right? :)
Won a video camera from Mead Vocabularious... Now I just have to find something interesting to record & put on here :)
Going to the zoo with family on Friday- be prepared for lots of awesome pictures!!
I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I can't remember... If I remember I'll definitely post...
Posted by Jess at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
Up North (AGAIN?!)
So I'm stuck Up North for the second time this summer vacation. It is so insanely boring up here! The hillbillies, as we call the locals, are quite strange... Today, when my sister and I walked into the library (to use the WiFi), the old, cranky looking librarians were staring at us! Felt like I was in a scene from a horror movie- they were that creepy looking... Ohh and there's a picture in here of what looks like an Indian guzzling down a whole bottle of booze (its really just an Indian blowing a horn (I think)) <-- Will try to post a pic of the drunk Indian picture, if the hillbilly librarian ever leaves her desk... Yesterday we went out for supper, but we had to wait 45 minutes to get a table... Now that's messed up! Yesterday my sis and I "played" tennis... She is so bad, lol :) We didn't even get more than two hits in a row!! Ooh and the stupid hillbillies tried to steal our tennis balls... Ugh, freakin' hillbillies drive me insane... On top of all this uncontrollable "fun" we're having, it's raining today! that sucks, especially because at home it is nice out and sunny and warm... ughh!
Posted by Jess at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
quick post
This is gonna be a short post as I plan to watch yesterday's episode of Make It or Break It on ABCFamily.com and then go to bed... Just wanted to write that I got my driver's license today!! YAY!! :) :) :)
Posted by Jess at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
State Fair
Went to the State Fair last week... kinda boring this year- nothing new and insanely long lines for everything. Got a few cool pics of the stuff there though... For your viewing pleasure, I present:
Posted by Jess at 11:19 PM 0 comments
The Tenth Circle **REVIEW**
Read this book what seems like a while ago, even though it was less than a month ago :)
This book is a great read, beginning to end. There is lots of unexpected twists and turns, and you are really drawn into the book. It is a great book- saw the movie first (although I didn't realize it was based on a book), but liked the book better. However, it is not my favorite book by Jodi Picoult. (it's 19 Minutes). I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves to read...
Posted by Jess at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Now I have time...
Woo... I finally have time to update- like really update, I mean... So, first off, here's pics of the stuff I have recently purchased at Kohl's but have not yet posted pics of:
Here are the pics of the stuff I recently got from Amazon.com:
Posted by Jess at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Ugh... still working on typing up all my French notes... so time consuming!!
Highlighted my hair today... could've left it on a bit longer, but it still looks great so i don't really care :)
I've been busy... will post pics and book reviews and movie reviews and such when I find the time :)
Eww... the end of summer is near :(
Posted by Jess at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I've been busy...
Wow!! I feel like I haven't updated in, like, forever!! I've been so totally busy!!
Today I went to Kohl's and returned those totally amazing peace sign shorts and bought 2 other pairs of soffe brand shorts for less than the price of the original pair!! Yeah!! I love saving money, lol!! Will eventually post pics of the shorts and the shirts I bought last week...
Went shopping today- Pick N Save had double coupons, so got a ton of great deals :)
I've been working on typing up all my notes from French 1-3 so they'll fit in my binder... but it's taking forever... I'm not even close to being done, and I've already spent a lot of time working on it :(
Posted by Jess at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Turns out that because I failed to copyright the artwork I gave to my grandparents, they were able to make reproductions of it and give them away without my permission... Not sure how I feel about this, but I guess its okay since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Today was fairly boring- nothing out of the ordinary happened... Finished reading The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult... Great book- if I have time tomorrow I will right a review :)
Organized my school stuff- went through all my old worksheets from French and have to re-type notes and such for my binder... School is still a month away and I'm already doing "homework"... ewwww
Went shopping yesterday and got two new shirts- will post pics tomorrow...
Posted by Jess at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
That Kind of Day..
Today was kinda slow and boring... it was just that kind of day...Walked up to Target this morning to buy notebooks for back-to-school... Hate that it's getting so close to that time of year... It started raining on the walk back home :(
Ordered a bunch of stuff from amazon.com- keeping my fingers crossed that it comes quickly :)
Re-painting the entire kitchen (painting the wood white), so had to put primer on all the cabinets, drawers, and such... extremely long and tedious work :(
Gave my painting to my grandparents- they loved it!! Definitely the highlight of my day :)
Posted by Jess at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dentists :(
Had to have a cavity filled today... Wasn't fun- maybe I should have used a different pic? Watched Slumdog Millionaire for the first time today- it was awesome!! I loved it and can't wait to watch it again (I'll probably watch it again tomorrow before I write a review on it)
Currently reading The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult... Definitely gotten back to reading this summer- read at least 6 books (My Sister's Keeper, 19 Minutes, Change of Heart, A Kiss in Time, Lock and Key, Blue Moon)- which is good not only considering that it is summertime, but that I normally don't have the time/energy required to read a book... Now if I could only come up with a brilliant idea for a story- I would love to start writing again :)
Posted by Jess at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Night At The Museum 2
Saw Night At the Museum 2 today... It was a cute movie, although it was nowhere near as good as the first. This one seemed to have more historical facts and jokes in it (or so it seemed to me)- if you are a nerdy child or a historical buff, you would most likely enjoy this movie greatly. If not, you pretty much need to be a little kid to love it. The Einstein bobbleheads were definitely my favorite part of the movie :)
Posted by Jess at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Demi Lovato and Mitchel Musso CD's **REVIEW**
Recently purchased Demi Lovato's new CD (Here We Go Again), and after listening to all the songs, have to write that this CD is pretty great. The songs are catchy and fun to listen to. I totally adore the song Solo, but my favorite song is definitely Here We Go Again. That song has been stuck in my head for what now seems like forever :)Bought Mitchel Musso's self-titled CD today, and found it absolutely amazing. My favorite song is Hey, and I have been listening to it nonstop. In fact, I am listening to it as I type ;) ... Bought it immediately after seeing him on TV this afternoon (on TMZ or something like that)- did ya know that he has 2 tattoos?
He has one on his wrist (shown in pic) and one on his shoulder... And he is so totally hott!! Nothing like his character Oliver on Hannah Montana...
Posted by Jess at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Finally uploaded the pics from yesterday to my computer...This pic is of my mask (which was inspired by Lady Gaga)...
This pic is my sisters mask (which was not inspired by Jigsaw (It just happened to remind me of him))...
And here's a pic of my ear piercing... I love it, lol ;)
This morning I was watching a talk show, and the teenage author Cayla Kluver was on it, talking about her book and such... Now I am trying to find a copy of her book as it sounds pretty great... Also, I think I'm finally going to buckle down and start writing a story of my own (which will probably never be published, but it will still be fun to write)...
Posted by Jess at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Merlin and Survival Sundays
Just wanted to quick write about my latest obsession- I was chillin', and happened to tune into Merlin on NBC. I was quickly addicted to this series, and am currently watching it online. I am hopelessly hooked on this show ;) I left NBC on after Merlin, and started watching The Storm, part of NBC's miniseries (Survival Sundays). It was so insanely awesome, and I am so totally hyped about watching this mini-series. It is so great- I love it!! lol
Posted by Jess at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Camera Batteries
OMG!! My camera is totally driving me insane- I barely used it and already it is out of battery. Recharging it yet again, and it is starting to make me absolutely crazy. So, no pictures tonight- sorry :(
On a brighter note, I painted a mask I made of myself using "Rigid Wrap", which is a type of plaster gauze. It looks pretty cool, but I can't wait to make another one that is much more elaborate and detailed. This one was basically a "test mask" to see how the paint would adhere to the plaster and such.
Also, I got my ear pierced today at Claire's. I love it so much, lol. I'm so glad I got it done! And it didn't even hurt for a long time! So glad...
I'll post pictures tomorrow (hopefully, I'll keep my fingers crossed) of the mask and my piercing...
Posted by Jess at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Charged my camera :)
Yeah... My camera battery is finally charged!! Woo-hoo!! Here are the pics, as promised. The first one is of the original pic of the barn, followed by the finished painting.
And here is the stuff I bought at Kohl's yesterday...
Aargh... This post took forever cuz the pics wouldn't load (It took me over an hour- now that is totally messed up)!! Aargh!!
Posted by Jess at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
I'm Done...
Yay!! I finished my painting (well, I actually finished it yesterday, but it's still done so yay!!) Here's a photo of it... Strike that, I'll post a picture tomorrow as my camera battery needs to be charged :(
Today I went shopping- YAY!! I totally love to shop, lol... Went to Kohl's and bought a pair of jeans, a tank top, a plaid shirt, and a cute pair of athletic shorts. Will post pics tomorrow...
Posted by Jess at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
A Kiss in Time **REVIEW**
A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn was definitely a good book, although it was simply Sleeping Beauty with a modern twist... Although it was good, you kept comparing everything to Sleeping Beauty... And the fact that it was a fairy tale didn't help the predictability factor- you knew exactly how the end of the book would be 'cuz there had to be a happy ending :) I definitely enjoyed the few times in this book where Talia (btw I love that name) speaks a bit of French... This is definitely worth a read if you enjoy disney movies and/or fairytales
Posted by Jess at 10:51 PM 0 comments
I'm Back!!
Got back from up north yesterday- it was so incredibly boring! It was freezing most of the days, and there wasn't much to do besides watching cable. We did go to the park and take photos of the deer...I took lots of pictures of the old barn in the backyard and am currently painting it... Will post pics of the final painting, but here is the image I am working from
I read a book on the long car ride home... I'll post a review on that after this :) I took a lot of photos up north, especially of plants... Check 'em out :)
It wouldn't have been all that bad up north had it not been for the weather- we could have gone swimming in the lake or something... oh well :) Next month we're going back up there for a mini family reunion/ old friends of the family or something reunion/ Italian fest... now that will definitely be interesting :) Hoping to volunteer at Italian fest- you get free admission and a free t-shirt!! definitely makes it worth volunteering, lol!!
Posted by Jess at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Today I'm going up north- it will be soooooooo much fun ;) ... Only going up for 4 days, but I feel like I packed everything in the entire house!! lolCurrently trying to learn the Hoedown Throwdown dance, but it is insanely complicated... Gotta keep practicing :)
Posted by Jess at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Today I went to the county fair... It was so insanely boring!! What a complete waste of time!! There was hardly anything there; the animals were minimal and ugly; the artwork was insanely pathetic. Tomorrow I'm going up north, but its supposed to be freakishly cold, so its kinda bittersweet :)
Posted by Jess at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Just chillin' right now... Trying to update my sisters iPod- we downloaded Hello Sister, Goodbye Life (best movie ever!!)... Today I highlighted my hair (Go Clairol Highlighting kits- they rock!!) but I didn't leave it on long enough so I am planning to re-do it tomorrow..
Yesterday I saw Ghosts of Girlfriends Past at the movie theater, but it was kinda boring... I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone..
Posted by Jess at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Lock and Key **REVIEW**
This morning I finished reading Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen. This book was actually pretty great. However, there were a few parts that I found myself skipping over- I didn't want to waste my time reading a whole bunch of words that failed to add to the story in any way. Also, the ending kinda sucked- it left you wondering what would happen in the characters futures, but I guess it still managed to tie up most of the loose ends... All in all, it is a fairly good read (but if you don't enjoy reading (or don't want to completely waste your time) don't read it).
Posted by Jess at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Blue Moon ***REVIEW***
As I wrote before, I finished reading Blue Moon by Alyson Noel. While I must say that the first book in the Immortals series (Evermore) was positively addicting, this book did not reach anywhere near what I had anticipated (Alyson Noel is an amazing author- I have read several of her books and had come to expect great things from her). The ending (of Blue Moon) was somewhat confusing- I felt there were some serious "plot holes" - the characters were literally jumping from one place to another (making it extremely difficult to comprehend everything that was occurring - and found myself rereading several sections repeatedly. One of the greatest faults I found with this book turned out to be the extreme parallels between it and the Twilight books. Just look at the title- Blue Moon? I know the first thing I thought of was Stephanie Meyer's sequel to Twilight- New Moon. And constantly throughout the book I found myself thinking thoughts like "Oh no, Bella, be careful!" and "Watch out, Edward!" (Now obviously I was not thinking phrases exactly like this, but you get the point). I had to keep reminding myself that the characters were not Edward and Bella, but rather Damen and Ever. However, this book definitely managed to catch the same addictive romantic tone as Twilight did, making it nearly impossible to put down (but unlike with the Twilight "saga", my brain did not completely turn to mush after reading it). All in all, it was a decent book, but Evermore was ten times greater.
Posted by Jess at 11:25 PM 0 comments
So... Today was extremely uneventful, as I only watched TV (Make It Or Break It!!) and read a book (I finished Blue Moon)... I also went shopping (not fun shopping- it was the boring kind of shopping where you don't go to any good stores or buy anything amazingly awesome) and visited my Grandma..
Posted by Jess at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wisdom Teeth
Posted by Jess at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Today I went S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G!! Went to Barnes & Noble- bought Blue Moon by Alyson Noel... Can't wait to start reading it!! Also went to Target... Bought 2 pairs of socks (totally cute ones!!!) and got 10 free LifeWaters!! Yumm...
Posted by Jess at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hannah Montana: The Movie
Just saw Hannah Montana: The Movie for the first time today... And while I can honestly say that I am definitely NOT her biggest fan, this movie was absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! I am so tempted to go and see it again- it was that great... Loved the songs...
Posted by Jess at 9:38 PM 0 comments