Saturday, July 11, 2009

Blue Moon ***REVIEW***

As I wrote before, I finished reading Blue Moon by Alyson Noel. While I must say that the first book in the Immortals series (Evermore) was positively addicting, this book did not reach anywhere near what I had anticipated (Alyson Noel is an amazing author- I have read several of her books and had come to expect great things from her). The ending (of Blue Moon) was somewhat confusing- I felt there were some serious "plot holes" - the characters were literally jumping from one place to another (making it extremely difficult to comprehend everything that was occurring - and found myself rereading several sections repeatedly. One of the greatest faults I found with this book turned out to be the extreme parallels between it and the Twilight books. Just look at the title- Blue Moon? I know the first thing I thought of was Stephanie Meyer's sequel to Twilight- New Moon. And constantly throughout the book I found myself thinking thoughts like "Oh no, Bella, be careful!" and "Watch out, Edward!" (Now obviously I was not thinking phrases exactly like this, but you get the point). I had to keep reminding myself that the characters were not Edward and Bella, but rather Damen and Ever. However, this book definitely managed to catch the same addictive romantic tone as Twilight did, making it nearly impossible to put down (but unlike with the Twilight "saga", my brain did not completely turn to mush after reading it). All in all, it was a decent book, but Evermore was ten times greater.