Friday, August 14, 2009

Up North (AGAIN?!)

So I'm stuck Up North for the second time this summer vacation. It is so insanely boring up here! The hillbillies, as we call the locals, are quite strange... Today, when my sister and I walked into the library (to use the WiFi), the old, cranky looking librarians were staring at us! Felt like I was in a scene from a horror movie- they were that creepy looking... Ohh and there's a picture in here of what looks like an Indian guzzling down a whole bottle of booze (its really just an Indian blowing a horn (I think)) <-- Will try to post a pic of the drunk Indian picture, if the hillbilly librarian ever leaves her desk... Yesterday we went out for supper, but we had to wait 45 minutes to get a table... Now that's messed up! Yesterday my sis and I "played" tennis... She is so bad, lol :) We didn't even get more than two hits in a row!! Ooh and the stupid hillbillies tried to steal our tennis balls... Ugh, freakin' hillbillies drive me insane... On top of all this uncontrollable "fun" we're having, it's raining today! that sucks, especially because at home it is nice out and sunny and warm... ughh!