Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm Back!! (for the third time!)

Wow, I haven't updated for awhile! Friday I went to the zoo with my family- I'll upload pics soon. Watched the premiere of Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie on disney channel- it was pretty great :) Yesterday went shopping at Kohl's- bought a tank top on clearance (pic to come later)... School starts on Tuesday- not exactly thrilled for the end of summer vacation :(

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm Back!! (again)

Wow! I feel like I haven't updated in like forever!! First off, I have a pic of the "drunken Indian" from the Up North Library (sorry- it's kinda dark... Took it without the flash so the hillbilly librarian wouldn't notice)...

Finished reading Killer by Sara Shepard and The Invisibles (also by Sara Shepard)... Will try to post reviews ASAP.

Played badminton with my family today... Fun, right? :)

Won a video camera from Mead Vocabularious... Now I just have to find something interesting to record & put on here :)

Going to the zoo with family on Friday- be prepared for lots of awesome pictures!!

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I can't remember... If I remember I'll definitely post...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Up North (AGAIN?!)

So I'm stuck Up North for the second time this summer vacation. It is so insanely boring up here! The hillbillies, as we call the locals, are quite strange... Today, when my sister and I walked into the library (to use the WiFi), the old, cranky looking librarians were staring at us! Felt like I was in a scene from a horror movie- they were that creepy looking... Ohh and there's a picture in here of what looks like an Indian guzzling down a whole bottle of booze (its really just an Indian blowing a horn (I think)) <-- Will try to post a pic of the drunk Indian picture, if the hillbilly librarian ever leaves her desk... Yesterday we went out for supper, but we had to wait 45 minutes to get a table... Now that's messed up! Yesterday my sis and I "played" tennis... She is so bad, lol :) We didn't even get more than two hits in a row!! Ooh and the stupid hillbillies tried to steal our tennis balls... Ugh, freakin' hillbillies drive me insane... On top of all this uncontrollable "fun" we're having, it's raining today! that sucks, especially because at home it is nice out and sunny and warm... ughh!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

quick post

This is gonna be a short post as I plan to watch yesterday's episode of Make It or Break It on and then go to bed... Just wanted to write that I got my driver's license today!! YAY!! :) :) :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

State Fair

Went to the State Fair last week... kinda boring this year- nothing new and insanely long lines for everything. Got a few cool pics of the stuff there though... For your viewing pleasure, I present:

The Tenth Circle **REVIEW**

Read this book what seems like a while ago, even though it was less than a month ago :)

This book is a great read, beginning to end. There is lots of unexpected twists and turns, and you are really drawn into the book. It is a great book- saw the movie first (although I didn't realize it was based on a book), but liked the book better. However, it is not my favorite book by Jodi Picoult. (it's 19 Minutes). I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves to read...

Now I have time...

Woo... I finally have time to update- like really update, I mean... So, first off, here's pics of the stuff I have recently purchased at Kohl's but have not yet posted pics of:

Here are the pics of the stuff I recently got from

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Ugh... still working on typing up all my French notes... so time consuming!!

Highlighted my hair today... could've left it on a bit longer, but it still looks great so i don't really care :)

I've been busy... will post pics and book reviews and movie reviews and such when I find the time :)

Eww... the end of summer is near :(

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I've been busy...

Wow!! I feel like I haven't updated in, like, forever!! I've been so totally busy!!

Today I went to Kohl's and returned those totally amazing peace sign shorts and bought 2 other pairs of soffe brand shorts for less than the price of the original pair!! Yeah!! I love saving money, lol!! Will eventually post pics of the shorts and the shirts I bought last week...

Went shopping today- Pick N Save had double coupons, so got a ton of great deals :)

I've been working on typing up all my notes from French 1-3 so they'll fit in my binder... but it's taking forever... I'm not even close to being done, and I've already spent a lot of time working on it :(

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Turns out that because I failed to copyright the artwork I gave to my grandparents, they were able to make reproductions of it and give them away without my permission... Not sure how I feel about this, but I guess its okay since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Today was fairly boring- nothing out of the ordinary happened... Finished reading The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult... Great book- if I have time tomorrow I will right a review :)

Organized my school stuff- went through all my old worksheets from French and have to re-type notes and such for my binder... School is still a month away and I'm already doing "homework"... ewwww

Went shopping yesterday and got two new shirts- will post pics tomorrow...