Sunday, October 18, 2009

i know, i know...

Okay- so I didn't write yesterday... But I got a good excuse- got back at 11:00 last night and could have updated but figured I'd just update today... There's nothing really new to say... It's Sunday- Desperate Housewives is on tonight! Currently reading Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult... :)

Friday, October 16, 2009


I remembered to post today! Yay me!! btw- so glad its Friday! Finished reading Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult today... loved the book until the very end- the ending was way too sad :( But it was still an awesome book... she is definitely my favorite author :)

Lots of studying to do this weekend :( Have a lab test on Monday, a MVB test on Tuesday, a Science Article due Wednesday, and a quiz on Friday (ALL FOR A/P :( ). Also have a vocab test Friday and a test on the Crucible Act III sometime next week :( Ughh... even when its the weekend there's still tons of school stuff to do :(

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I know, I know... I haven't written in forever!! But that's okay, as I plan to write every day from now on (let's see if I can do it :) )... Monday was my brithday- got lots of awesome stuff :) Will post pics later... Today was just another school day- boring and a waste of time :) Had a physics test today (one of my favorite classes!) and was supposed to have an english test today on "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller, but it was postponed until Monday :) Yay!! Tomorrows Friday- I am so excited! love the weekends :)