Saturday, September 26, 2009


Went to the homecoming game last night- we won- YEAH!! Can't wait for the new season of degrassi to start- i love that show :) Ooh, and I've totally been listening to Rescue You from Degrassi Goes Hollywood nonstop for like the past two weeks..

Season premiere of Grey's Anatomy was on Thursday... It was awesome :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vanishing Acts

Just wanted to quickly write that I finished reading vanishing acts by jodi picoult. Great book by a great author :) Kinda predictable at parts, and the end was kinda abrubt (and left you with a few unanswered questions), but i still loved it. Started reading picture perfect (by, you guessed it, jodi picoult :) )

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I'm Back!! (I'm getting sick of this...)

Wow!! I haven't updated in like, forever :) I'm really getting tired of forgetting about this blog- i'll have to write on my hand "UPDATE BLOG" from now on :)

First week of school went well- I love my classes (well most of them anyway :)...) Received the iPod shuffle I won from Mead Vocabularious- i love it (of course, it is an iPod Shuffle so I'll still use my video iPod more (but for free, i love it)).

Current obsession with He Could Be The One by Hannah Montana :) Played it nonstop for three hours today as I biked to/from my grandma's house. Got sunburn on my arms :(